Certified Organic Product: CCPB - Consorzio per il controllo dei prodotti biologici – aut: D.M. MIPAAF N. 26023 on 28/12/2007 under Reg CEE 834/2007 Gluten: produced in a gluten free certified (by the Italian Government) factory.
Whole Rice Rice Cakes
130 g.
INGREDIENTS: whole rice 99,5%, salt 0,5% (organic ingredient).
Certified Organic Product: CCPB - Consorzio per il controllo dei prodotti biologici – aut: D.M. MIPAAF N. 26023 on 28/12/2007 under Reg CEE 834/2007 Gluten: produced in a gluten free certified (by the Italian Government) factory.
Certified Organic Product: CCPB - Consorzio per il controllo dei prodotti biologici – aut: D.M. MIPAAF N. 26023 on 28/12/2007 under Reg CEE 834/2007 Gluten: produced in a gluten free certified (by the Italian Government) factory. GMO: the product doe not contain GMOs.